+ A body-mind discipline
+ Suitable for all ages, from teenage onwards.
+ For all persons: athletes, non-athletes, pre and post natal and post-rehabilitation
Respected by osteopaths, chiropractors,sports doctors, physiotherapists and health practitioners worldwide, STOTT PILATES™ mind-body exercise builds on the essence and principles of the late Joseph H. Pilates' work by incorporating modern knowledge about body bio-mechanics and body movement.
The repertoires cover over 700 matwork and equipment exercises. Pilates is a safe, effective program for a range of clients - elite athletes, fitness enthusiasts and post-rehabilitation clients. Pilates optimizes muscular-skeletal performance - strength , flexibility, performance without risk of injury or building bulk muscle.
Pilates focuses on core stability, including pelvic and shoulder girdle stabilization,neutral alignment and breathing. It helps to restore the natural curves of the spine relieve tension and enhance self -esteem.
You see, if your body is unconditioned, weak muscles tend to get weaker and stronger muscles get stronger thus causing muscle imbalance - a primary cause to injury and chronic back pain. Pilates evenly conditions the whole body and corrects muscle imbalance. Muscle imbalance may be due to structural posture, or brought about by our working positions (sitting at a computer, driving car etc), or due to the sport we play especially uni-lateral sports such as tennis or golf .
The benefits are enormous - better posture, firmer muscles, better flexibility, relief from back pain, higher self-esteem. You'll look and feel your best and others will notice it.
Longer, leaner muscles
Core strength and stability
Injury prevention
Relief from stress and back pain
Better posture
Improved balance and co-ordination
Enhanced athletic performance
Effective post-rehabilitation
Heightened mind-body awareness
Increased self-confidence
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